Thank You, Wine Thief!
Okay, here's the recipe:
30 pounds pumpkin meat from 3 pumpkins
5 tsp yeast nutrient
1.25 tsp tannin
12 pounds sugar (Winetheif later suggested using brown sugar. I'll update on what I use later!)
2.5 tsp pectic enzyme
4 cinnamon stix (Winetheif suggests maybe a little more than this actually.)
5 Campden Tablets crushed
Acid Blend to .60 TA
Starting SG 1.090
PH 3.32
Yeast Starter:
2 cups warm water
1/4 tsp citric acid
1/2 tsp nutrient
2 tbsp sugar
Montrachet Yeast (this is the type of yeast I've seen suggested in every pumpkin recipe I've looked at, so it must be the right one!)
Make yeast starter - Red Star Montrachet -
Pitch yeast 24 hours after starting
Scrape pumpkin meat using an Ice Cream Scooper.
Add the sugar into 2 gallons of boiling water which with sugar volume will yield a total of 3 gallons liquid. Add liquid to the must.
Rack the Pumpkin wine juice from the squeezed pulp to carboy. Total juice will be 6 gallons once it gets all put back together (I will use a little less pumpkin and maybe a touch less water since I only have the capability for 5 gallons right now! - ed.) Be sure to allow room for finishing fermentation foam.
Secondaries of juice will sit now until fermentation is complete. When the foam dies down and fermentation is complete, rack to a fresh carboy which should fill it to the top for aging and add sulfite.
That's it for the first few weeks! After a few months, I will rack the wine again, just go from there. I hope that I only need to rack once, but from what I've read, it sounds like I will need to rack this a few times to get the wine off all of the sediment.
The first thing I need to do is to make sure I've got all the ingredients I need and make a stop at Alternative Beverage. Then I'll get started tomorrow morning!